For our first Photoshop project, my classmates and I had to chose a poem and experiment with the different fonts available to us. For my poem, I chose a quote by Benjamin Franklin:
Hide not your talents
They for use were made
What's a sun-dial
In the shade?
I decided to use this poem because I've always loved Benjamin Franklin, I've always felt like we've had some kind of crazy connection. Ever since sixth grade, when I made a Benjamin Franklin puppet for a class, I've been fascinated with his life and accomplishments. I particularly like this quote because I think it has a great message; it encourages people to be proud of themselves and make use of their talents and abilities. Some times people prefer to hide or downplay their talents for fear of being considered arrogant, but I think this poem puts a positive light on self-confidence.
I used the following fonts in my project:
- Onyx
- Gill Sans Extra Bold
- Zapfino
- Candara
I arranged the words the way I did to place emphasize on what I deemed to be the most important words. I didn't want to stack the most powerful and significant words directly on top of each other. Instead, I alternated the lines in order to separate the main words, whose fonts I also increased.
Some of the problems I encountered include the shadowing I put on the word "shade." I had no idea how to make shadows, but I was really interested in executing that effect. I looked up the steps online, but was still a bit confused. After trying to decipher the instructions, I realized I needed some help from Professor O'Connell. She came over to provide some aid, and in addition to the online directions, I was able to figure out the technique and include shadowing in my project.
I am the most proud of the shadowing effect, because I did not think I would be capable of figuring it out. As I just explained, after some help from both my professor and the Internet, I was able to. I think this experience made me aware that I can navigate through and overcome tricky situations, and I'm extremely proud of this realization.
If I had more time, I think I would have worked more with the arrangement of the individual words. I maybe would have tried manipulating the words more and experimenting with the different types of effects that I could apply to them. It would have been fun to play around with everything that Photoshop has to offer. I'm looking forward to doing this with future assignments.