Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pitbull PowerPoint

These are all pictures from our last project in Electronic Communication, a Kiosk PowerPoint. We had to devote an entire PowerPoint presentation to an artist or band of our choice; I selected the rapper Pitbull. Professor O'Connell required us to have at least 5 slides and one song that ran throughout the entire presentation.

I think the best-executed aspect of this PowerPoint presentation was the backgrounds on the slides. In former work with PowerPoint, I became accustomed to using the pre-made backgrounds. With this project, however, I had to make my own original backgrounds. To do this, I searched for images of Pitbull, as well as his hometown of Miami, Florida. I then enlarged them, dragged them into the slides, and increased their transparency. This allowed for really appropriate, interesting, and creative slides instead of the generic PowerPoint ones.

The most difficult thing I encountered during this project was getting the slides and the music to run on their own. I first started this PowerPoint on my personal Mac, and I was unable to get the music to play and the timings I rehearsed to actually work. I couldn't figure it out on my computer, so I decided to wait until I could open the file on a computer in the North Campus Mac Lab. Once I did that, I was able to rehearse the timings and actually have them work. So, even though this was frustrating at first, I was able to solve the problem pretty simply just by using a different computer.

My favorite part of this project was definitely the audio portion of it. I had no idea that I could include music into PowerPoint presentations. I also loved that I could choose to make the music run by itself, and that it could go across all of the slides. I'm really glad that I learned about incorporating music into slides, and I plan on taking advantage of that knowledge the next time I have to make a PowerPoint presentation!

Finally, if I had more time, I think I would have experimented with animation more. I've never done anything other than slap a few pictures on a slide before, and this project made me realize that there are a lot of really fun effects in PowerPoint. If allotted more time I would definitely go back and apply some of the animation effects to my pictures and texts. Also, I think I would have added more slides-- it would've been nice to be able to display more information about Pitbull (because he's the best rapper ever!)

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